"Celebrating 35 Years!"
All children must have a current physical form and be current in required vaccinations in order to be enrolled at KOCO. The State Day Care Licensing Department requires that each child have an annual physical examination.
If you are not able to get your child’s physical completed before it expires, you must notify the Health Consultant in writing of the date of your child’s next appointment.
You must return the completed health form/vaccination record as soon as possible after the appointment to guarantee uninterrupted child care arrangements.
All children must have a current physical form and be current in required vaccinations in order to be enrolled at KOCO. The State Day Care Licensing Department requires that each child have an annual physical examination. If you are not able to get your child’s physical completed before it expires, you must notify the Health Consultant in writing of the date of your child’s next appointment. You must return the completed health form/vaccination record as soon as possible after the appointment to guarantee uninterrupted daycare arrangements.
Children need to be in good health in order to get the most out of their day. Please do not bring your child if they cannot participate fully in all planned activities, or if you feel that your child should not be allowed to go outside. Please do not send your child to KOCO if the following symptoms have occurred:
FEVER of 99.0º F (axillary - under the arm) or 100.0º F (oral) or higher. Children may return to KOCO after being fever free for 24 hours or on antibiotic therapy over 24 hours.
RUNNY NOSE WITH GREEN OR YELLOW DISCHARGE. These are symptoms that often indicate infection. If your child has these symptoms please keep him/her at home and see a physician if your child is uncomfortable or has a fever.
VOMITING OR DIARRHEA. Child can return 24 hours after being symptom free.
PINK EYE (Conjunctivitis). Children with red, itchy, draining or crusty eyes may have pink eye. Children must remain at home until drainage has stopped. This may occur in 24-48 hours after the start of antibiotic therapy.
STREP THROAT. Child cannot return to KOCO until child has received a full 24 hours of antibiotic therapy.
CHICKEN POX (Varicella). All lesions must be dry and crusted over (minimum 5 days – may take up to 7 days) before child returns to KOCO. If child has received the vaccine, the child must see his/her physician and provide a doctor’s note before returning to KOCO.
IMPETIGO. Scabby, crusty lesions on the face (usually around mouth or nose). This is a skin infection that can spread throughout the entire body. Child must receive 24 hours of antibiotic therapy before returning to KOCO.
SCABIES OR HEAD LICE. Children may return to KOCO 24 hours after receiving a specified shampoo treatment and all signs of eggs are gone. Please bring the empty bottle with your child upon returning to KOCO. Also, it is important to shampoo again after 10 days to ensure all live eggs are eliminated.
FIFTH’S DISEASE. Although not a serious illness to children, Fifth’s Disease can have devastating effects on pregnant women. To protect both staff and parents, children are best kept at home while they have this rash. Children may return once the rash is gone.
HAND, FOOT & MOUTH DISEASE (Coxsackie virus). Child must stay home until fever free and blisters are dry and scabbed over.
ORAL THRUSH: Child must be treated with an antifungal medication. Mouth must be free of white patches and child have no difficulty eating.
Your child will be sent home from daycare if he/she exhibits any of the following:
Please note: You are expected to pick up your child within one hour of notification of illness. Meanwhile, your child will be constantly supervised in a quiet area.
FEVER 100° axillary. Children may return to KOCO after being free of fever for 24 hours or after 24 hours of antibiotic therapy.
FEVER 99.4° axillary with additional symptoms of illness. Lethargy, sore throat, cough, thick nasal discharge or irritability and unwillingness or inability to participate in activities. Children may return to KOCO after all symptoms are gone.
DIARRHEA (unexplained change in stool consistency and odor and/or inability to be contained by diaper or controlled by child.) Child may return in absence of symptoms, or after 24 hrs. of medication, or with note from physician diagnosing non-contagious illness. With or without fever, parents will be notified after 1st episode, must go home after 2nd incident takes place and can return after being symptom free for 24 hours.
VOMITING (with or without fever): Child must go home after 1st episode and can return after being symptom free for 24 hours.
SKIN RASHES/BLISTERS/LESIONS: Child will be sent home if they exhibit any rash, lesions, hives, or blisters on hands, feet, or in mouth. Once diagnosed by a physician, child may return when appropriate. (see previous page for these conditions)
EYE DISCHARGE: Child will be sent home if they exhibit any draining or crustiness from or around their eyes.
HEAD LICE: If child is suspected of having head lice, the child will be sent home until treatment is completed. Children observed with louse/lice (moving insects) will be sent home and may return to KOCO after being treated with a specified shampoo treatment and all items on the head lice action sheet completed. The treatment must be repeated in 7-10 days. It is strongly recommended that the hair be completely clear of all nits as quickly as possible. A child will be sent home if there is evidence of nits and the child is untreated. This can be accomplished by aggressive combing out of the wet hair with an approved nit removal comb. Signed, completed head lice action sheets and empty shampoo container must be returned to the Administrator on Duty before the child may return.
Unwillingness or inability to participate in program accompanied by signs or symptoms of illness.
Any child sent home with a short term contagious illness may return when no longer contagious with a minimum of one day (or 24 hours) from the time the child is sent home.
Medications will be administered in accordance with state regulations and KOCO policy. Medications will only be administered with a completed Medication Administration Form. This form is required for all medications including over the counter. Blank forms are available in the office.
Your pediatrician must complete the entire top half of the form. Please ask your pediatrician to be very specific in listing the symptoms and/or conditions for administering the medication. In the absence of a stop date, the authorization will expire 1 year from the date it is written.
The parent authorization portion of the form must be complete. Your signature in this area signifies that you have already given this medication to your child at least once and that you are authorizing KOCO staff to administer this medication to your child.
The medication must be in its original labeled container. Please note siblings may not share. All medication brought to KOCO must be checked in by the Director or her Assistant and stored in a locked container away from children.
The only exception to being stored in a locked container is an EpiPen for anaphylaxis prevention. If the medication is a prescription, the pharmacy label must be intact on the medication. The prescription must be current and the medication must be prior to its expiration date. All unused medications shall be returned to the parent or destroyed if not picked up in 1 week after notification of expiration.
A separate form for nonprescription topical medications (e.g. diaper rash ointment, teething gels, etc.) must be completed by the parent prior to administration. The medication must be labeled with the child’s name in its original container.
Please be aware that without the correctly completed forms and properly labeled medications, NO MEDICATION WILL BE DISPENSED. This is for the safety of your child.
If your child has food allergies, he/she will only be allowed to consume what is in their lunchbox. Every effort will be made to inform you of special events (celebration, parties, and birthdays). If you would like to leave a special snack that your child is able to have for these occasions, you are welcome to do so. If your child's class is participating in a cooking project, every effort will be made to inform you of this activity. Please note that your child will not be allowed to participate in the cooking project without your permission.
If your child is currently receiving a medication for a potentially life threatening condition (e.g. diabetes, asthma) your child will be refused entry to the program until the proper forms and medications are provided. Medications may not be stored in diaper bags or in children’s belongings.
All KOCO administrators have been trained to administer medications, first aid and CPR, as well as in the use of our AED. Our Health Consultant, Jordan Morehouse, RN, makes weekly visits to every classroom in the facility, maintains health records, and trains staff in appropriate procedures.
All children 6-59 months must receive a flu vaccine by January 1 each year in order to continue attending KOCO. Children who have never received a flu shot must get 2 doses by the deadline. Children without proper documentation will not be permitted to attend KOCO until their flu vaccine is up-to-date.
"Each classroom is a learning space for all children at their own developmental level. The supplemental character education programs are wonderful, too." KOCO Parent