"Celebrating 35 Years!"
Preschool & K-Readiness Programs
Preschool Programs at KOCO are taught by Head Teachers that love what they do! The classroom maintains a ratio of 10 children to 1 teacher, with a maximum of 18 children with 2 teachers.
ELM Early Learning Matters Curriculum
The Early Learning Matters (ELM) Curriculum is a comprehensive, evidence-informed program to support the optimal learning and development of children from birth to five years of age. The curriculum promotes skills linked to school readiness and life success with developmentally appropriate teaching strategies and a coordinated mix of staff-guided and child-initiated learning experiences.
ELM was developed by a team of early childhood experts led by Distinguished Professor Douglas Powell. This work occurred in Purdue University’s Department of Human Development and Family Studies for the Department of Defense Child Development Program as part of the DoD-USDA Partnership for Military Families.
ELM is based on results of rigorous research, standards established by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), and consultations with nationally recognized early childhood experts. Extensive review of outcome research was conducted to answer two questions: What early childhood skills are linked to later positive outcomes, particularly indicators of school readiness? What early childhood classroom practices significantly support the development of early childhood skills linked to later positive outcomes for children? Experts in the care and education of young children and a range of stakeholders were consulted throughout the development of the curriculum.
The teachers and students at KOCO investigate topics of interest throughout the school year. In lieu of a traditional lesson plan, each class decides what they already Know about a particular topic, discuss what they Want to know about the topic, and then they devise learning experiences to help them Learn (K-W-L model). Topics for early childhood investigations are ideally quite simple; recent investigations topics have included Hands, Apples, Balls, and Shoes.
Ideas generated by each "investigation" are webbed collaboratively; the web becomes a "living document", to be added to, changed, and otherwise revised as the investigation progresses. Students control the depth and length of each investigation (topics of great interest may generate investigations of a month or more!).
Visit Eastern Connecticut State University's Center for Early Childhood Education to learn more about Investigations-style learning experiences.
The focus in room 106 is on teaching young children independence and mastering self- help skills. The children then transition into the 105 classroom. This is where your child will continue to learn while having fun but will also begin the preparation to be ready for kindergarten! Our investigations curriculum is supported by the Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards. The Get Set for School and Handwriting without Tears curricula are incorporated into daily classroom learning as well.
All KOCO preschoolers are offered enrichment programs that include Sign Language, Spanish, Second Step social-emotional curriculum, and literacy programs that include cooking, art and much, much more! KOCO staff members teach most of the enrichment programs within the classrooms.
Young preschoolers start their learning experience in room 106. If your child attends the Under Three Program they will be appropriately transitioned into the classroom and learn what being a preschooler is all about. This is also where some children start their first preschool experience. The teachers are educated and experienced in helping your child transition from being away from home.
KOCO maintains a very close connection to Memorial Elementary School, which will enhance the transition to kindergarten when your child is ready!
"KOCO is very involved with the school system and their curriculum. KOCO's programs prepare children for the curriculum taught in the school system. They will also help parents navigate the school system to access services that are available." KOCO Parent